History of the Breeds
The Boykin:
"The Boykin Spaniel was first bred by South Carolina hunters during the 1900's to provide the ideal dog for hunting ducks and wild turkeys in the Wateree River Swamp. Hunters on South Carolina's Wateree River needed a small rugged dog compactly built for boat travel and able to retrieve on land and water. In those days wagons, wooden boats and trains afforded hunters access to the game rich corridors along the river. But boat travel limited what hunters could carry. The typical heavyweight retriever was a drawback in a craft already loaded with men, guns, provisions and other gear.
L. W. "Whit" Boykin (1861-1932), a planter, land appraiser and well-known sportsman of the Boykin community just outside Camden, South Carolina, along with his kinsmen the Canteys experimented with many breeds to resolve the problems posed by their Wateree hunting trips. With selective breeding and a little luck, Boykin developed a small multipurpose retriever now known as the Boykin spaniel.
The first Boykin spaniel, or the precursor of today's breed, was reportedly a small, stray spaniel type dog that befriended a banker walking from his home to the First Presbyterian Church in Spartanburg, South Carolina around 1905-1910. Alexander L. White (1860-1942) liked the little dog and took it home. After the dog showed some aptitude for retrieving, White sent the dog called "Dumpy" to his longtime friend and hunting partner Whit Boykin. In Boykin's hands the little stray developed into a superb turkey dog and waterfowl retriever. This dog became the foundation stock for the Boykin spaniel. Other ancestors are reported to be the Chesapeake Bay retriever, springer spaniel, cocker spaniel, and the American water spaniel.
Today this little brown retriever can be found on hunts and in homes across America. Stamina in hot weather and eagerness to please make this dog a favorite in the dove fields, but Boykins have retained their spaniel flushing abilities and readily adapt to a variety of upland game hunting including pheasant, quail and grouse. An aptitude for water retrieving combined with their compact size assures these dogs a place in the duck boats and blinds as well. Boykins have often been described as "the dog that doesn't rock the boat." They are even effective in deer driving or in tracking wounded deer. Like many of the sporting breeds, Boykin spaniels make the transition from hunting companion to family pet easily. Boykin spaniels are true dual-purpose hunting dogs."
The English Springer Spaniel:
The first English Springer Spaniel in North America of traceable lineage was imported from
England to Canada in 1913. In little more than a decade, the breed had risen from the ranks of
the unknown to become numbered among the most popular of the breeds eligible for American
Kennel Club registration. Early importers and breeders were both careful and selective in their
breeding practices, and many field trialers enjoyed exhibiting their Springers in conformation
competition. The English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association, the parent club of the breed in
the United States, was founded in 1924. In those days, dogs might emerge from a day of heavy
field work to be presented in conformation competition the next day.
Springers - those capable of competing in both conformation and field trial
competition - became a part of history by the early 1940s, when the last dual championship was
earned. Field trial enthusiasts began selecting those qualities in their dogs which produced top
caliber performance, while the show-minded endeavored just as earnestly to breed dogs
consistent with the breeds written standard, successful as conformation competitors.
The true beauty of the English Springer Spaniel can be found in its original purpose, that of a
companion gundog. The diverse appearance of todays show and field bred Springers is due to
specialization, and to the choices breeders make to achieve success in their endeavors.
Competitive field trial Springers are the ultimate in athleticism and performance. Competitive
conformation Springers are breathtaking examples of breed type, soundness, and symmetry
The English Springer Spaniel is a sweet-faced, lovable bird dog of great energy, stamina, and
brains. Sport hunters cherish the duality of working Springers: handsome, mannerly pets during
the week, and trusty hunting buddies on weekends. Built for long days in the field, English
Springer Spaniels are tough, muscular hunters standing 19 to 20 inches at the shoulder and
weighing between 40 and 50 pounds. The double coat comes in several colors and patterns, the
ears are long and lush, and the kindly, trusting expression of the eyes is a cherished hallmark of
the breed. Springers move with a smooth, ground-covering stride. Bred to work closely with
humans, Springers are highly trainable people-pleasers. They crave company and are
miserable when neglected. Polite dogs, Springers are good with kids and their fellow mammals.
They are eager to join in any family activity. Long walks, games of chase and fetch, and
swimming are favorite pastimes of these rugged spaniels.